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akumas rp ideas, group and solos

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:58 pm

The biggest pokemon tournement in the world is held every ten years, due to the amount of planning and preparing needed into creating the venue and setting up special battle grounds. This decade the venue is in Sinnoh and has been built towering over the pal park. (from the game) Only trainers who have defeated at least one set of elite four may enter the tournoment and with only two pokemon each. The tournoment lasts for the year giving the competetors time to train and relax between battles. There is also the contest arena for the performers of the pokemon world.

Character sheet:


Pokemon sheet:
Nickname: (if aplicable)
Move set: (four moves only)


a hundered years have passed since Harry potter left hogwarts and a new threat is rising in the shadows. This role play will be based on the lives of the students and teachers of hogwarts (naturaly) who go about usual problems and such till this new threat breaks into the wizarding world with an allmighty impact.

Rules for characters:
1/ Original characters only no cannons, but names can be mentioned.
2/ Decendents of cannons are allowed but not everyone can be a decendant.
3/ You can have up to three characters if you like
4/ I may ask for some people to rp as a teacher if one is missing. (If you create a teacher that is fine too)

Rules for posting:
1/ Dont sign up if you know in advance you will be busy or are bogged down by rp's
2/ Once a day posts at least pleaze, or if you know you will be away let us know in the ooc thread.
3/ Relationships, friendships are encouraged and intimate scenes are fine but nothing overly explicit, you know like gore, and watersports etc.

Anyway here is the character sheet.

Age: (Their age and the year of school they are in)
Appearence: Either 5 sentances of description or a picture, or both if you like.
Wand type: (it's length, core and outer shell)

The story will start just after sorting where relationships will be established.


Her is an odd one I thought of after reading some fanfictions.

Lilo and stitch, Stitch has lived with Lilo for years now and has watched her grow up as he has done, his own alien growth making him a few inches taller then her with a slightly more human appearence,aside from the ears and cute little feet that is. He see's her relationship wih Kioni fall apart and although he felt jelous about it he never said anything because he wasnt sure how she felt about him. When she comes home in tears he decided's it is now or never and he comforts her, ending in a kiss and maybe leading a bit further. I'd like to play stitch but I can play lilo if you prefer.


Here is an interesting concept. Based in the world of warcraft series an unlikely pairing.

The pairing first of al is male Troll and felame Dranai. The scene sttarts out on a very cold rainy night on the shore line of the barrens in Kalimdor a young Dranai girl has lost her father to a pack of naga. she has been laying there with her father's body for days not knowing what to do untill a Troll hunter finds her. He isn't sure how he got there when he was heading for Milgore on the other side of the mountains but she had called to him without knowing. She does not know about the wars and the horde, so naturaly she doesnt react with fear when he approaches and he doesnt want to leave her there.

She grows quickly into a beautiful Dranai woman and possably there could be romance involved. I would like this role play to last a good long while so plenty of problems to solve and things for the characters to overcome first. Your typical ones being rejection and scorn from both the alliance and the horde, typical growing pains and changes. Battles and war games between races and alliances. This is something I really really want to do and start on soon, here is a map for refference to places, but other then that I would like someon who knows at least a good bit about the game and the characters to play this with me.

idea taken but any wow ideas you have I'll happily look at


I have a new idea for another wow rp this time a night elf and a tauren
This comes from actual game expirience where my night elf character was being stalked by taurens and constantlyu being licked by them. Dont ask me why I dont know but the idea o a big stron tauren os not offencive at all to me but being in character at the time I was a bit freeked out. Turns out it was the same tauren heh who knew. I got lost once near a dingeon and I just got pounced I wont bore you with details because tha would spoil the rp. Anyway, my character would be a night elf something or other I am undecided, I am new to the quests and the travel but I make up my lack of expirience with feistyness and determination. This Tauren character pops u randomly and just licks me, I dont know why mayby I got pranked by my fellow night elves with tauren pheramones for perfume, anyway this Tauren keeps following me and eventually I fight him but clearly i can be overpowered (Even after some kick ass attacks) Turns out he only saved me from say a blood elf who is rutheless and he explains why he was following yadda yadda I could actually play the tauren if you preffer but I dont mind. anyway i would like this to be a long ish story but i can see from what I said it is probably gonna be a one shot till I can figure out a petter plot to this.


I realy really really really wanna do a pirate rp, I wanna make a new character for it.
I'd like something where my character is either captured, sold or stows away on a pirate ship with an infamous pirate captain and his crew, I can also see a sorta slutty girl on board aswell, possably a threesome but I think it would be more fun if the slutty girl and the captain are not on the best of terms and both try to get her in bed (when not torturing her with ship labour) would be fun sooo very fun hehe I'd like eithe two people for this or someone who doesnt mind doubling up.



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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  GhostTC Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:29 pm

The Pokemon one sounds fun. And the pirate one as well, though I may need a day or two to iron out a character for that. Pokemon character is all ready to go, but one question about it. Does it have to be a full team of six?

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:50 pm

I'm interested in the Pokémon one as well, kitten. Sign me up!
And she said it's 2 pokémon per trainer.
I would like to know if Übers are allowed or not. I'd assume not. But I was going to use Darkrai. As far as the pokémon world goes, I know that doesn't make sense, so I'm almost certain I won't be using it, but I wanted to check just in case.


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  GhostTC Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:07 am

I'm sorry, I must've overlooked that. I saw the part about having beaten a set of Elite Four. Thanks, TV. I was wondering about that, too. I know I have certain pokemon that I'd like to use, but a list of ones that aren't allowed would be a good thing. That way people won't break the rules by accident.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:15 am

Also, if you include pokémon's stats in the form, we can actually calculate exact amounts of damage to make it fair. Mind you, it would be a little complicated and a little time consuming. But it would make the RP fair and regular. Assuming we're going by game stats, that is.


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  astilaborshadow Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:29 am

don't pokemon stats vary by individual pokemon? and don't they also increase as they level up? not to mention that you can use items to raise them, how technical and exact are we going to be with this RP, also if we have to post our pokemon stats publically the first person will be at a disadvantage since the next people to post will chose pokemon that are good against them, not to mention that some effects and even some attacks rely on chance so how would we enforce that to make sure people don't cheat?, i don't mean to poke holes in everything i'm just pointing how difficult i could be to enforce everything if we make it too technical, if we instead relied purely on roleplaying and disregard the stats then it might be more sucessful, by that i mean trust the people won't god mod and just try to have fun. i am interested in this RP idea.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:41 am

Fair enough. It was just a suggestion.


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:09 am

Ok then
Banned pokemon:

the legendary dogs and birds are fine as are the emotion pokemon.
Darkrai is allowed as is mew if anyone wants to use him.

The battles will be rp style battles no need for stats but if you really need something to decide the match I will turn on dice rolls, who rolls highest lands their move/dodges opponant's move.

I will post the character thread for pokemon once I have thought Up a character myself. Till then keep a hold of them.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:17 am

Actually, these'll be single battles so Darkrai will be useless to me anyway... Umm, what about abilities? Are those from Gen V okay? Because I was going to use my Dragonite instead, and I'm going to make a new one that's pretty much the same except with Multiscale/Miracle Scale/Whatever it's actually called in English...


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:53 am

uhhh yeah pokemon abilities should be ok.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:56 am

No,I mean abilities from the games that haven't come out yet, ie; Black and White.
Wouldn't it be funny if the 3rd game was called 'Red All Over'?


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:58 am

stick to the existing ones just in case people dont know what they are on about.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:04 am

Alright, Inner Focus it is.
Should I use Felix? I think he makes more sense than Damius... Will this be yiffy/Poképhillic at all?


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:08 am

its not a furry rp. uh was hoping for the people maybe to have relationships rather then pokephilic...I'll think about it.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Guest Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:11 am

Oh! Oops, sorry...
<--- Jumping to conclusions.
Umm... I guess I'll just be me then... *Shrugs*


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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:25 pm

i'm interested in the trying out the second world or warcraft idea you have listed, the one between the tauran and the night elf, i had a few ideas to ad depth to the tauran character, firstly if he was a hunter it would help to explain how he is able to track you so well, secondly the race of tauran as a whole like to naturally be in balance with the nature around them much like night elves do and as such would prefer to avoid conflict with the night elves respecting their ownership on the territory, the only reason that they are involved with the conflict is solely due to repaying the help that thrall and the rest of the orcish hord gave the tauren when they needed it. BUT! if you take into account of the recent events like the death of caren bloodhoof and the outright foolhardy leadership of the new warchief i can easily see some tauren wanting to turn their backs on the senseless conflict between the allience and the horde in favour of uniting against a more powerful common enemy i.e. deathwing a name that should be familiar to some of the oldest night elves seeing as how they might have been present during the war of the ancients and witnessed that great betrayal.

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:40 pm

sounds good but even though i love wow im not up to scratch on the history of the world. i can find out though, Sure I'd love to do that rp with you :3 shall we make up some character sheets then?

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  astilaborshadow Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:53 pm

ok as for how powerful the characters would be your character would at least be level 20-21 ish how powerful would my character be then about the same or higher?

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akumas rp ideas, group and solos Empty Re: akumas rp ideas, group and solos

Post  Akumamika Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:12 pm

ah really sorry for not replying to this for a while completely slipped my mind, dont worry about levels or character sheets just describe them in the first post, just need to think of a more solid story for it.

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