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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:25 pm

The inn had been tottaly ransacked, the horde of orcs really did some damage trying to get to the few occupants, looking for something. Seren made sure the ones that she put arrows in were really dead before taking her arrows back and looking at the two other elves that had come into the inn not hours before the orcs. "So...what do we need to do now? There is no way we can stay here.."

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: LOTR: The Three Rings

Post  Mordos Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:02 pm

Amdir crossed his arms, looking down at the slain orcs; the ones he had killed were still oozing blood from their neck wounds. "I... am not certain where we should go. Perhaps head south--" the suggestion died in his throat, as he reminded himself that south, even where they were now, would lead them to civilization. And if they were going to be hunted for their rings, then people would be in danger.

"Scratch that, actually... we just need to go somewhere where we won't be found." he finished grimly.


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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:35 am

Ramerox would look about the Orcs bodies, searching for clues as to where they had come from, but to no avail. He sheathed his wicked blade and mumbled a few words under his breath, out from his palm coming out a small cloud of dust that covered the Orcs and erased them, almost eliminating all trace of them except for the damage around the room...

"I agree...we must leave, but we must find some way to seal off the spell-work from these rings so that we cannot be tracked by them..."

His gaze then turned to Seren, mourning etched across his features as he moved towards her, "Forgive me...were you able to see the man in the vision? The one who gave you the ring?"
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:16 pm

The blond haired elf looked towards Remerox and shook her head disdainfully. "No I was not." She knew the man that gave her the ring, she knew him all too well, she didn't need to see him to know that voice. 'Tell no one of my gift to you Seren..' She shuddered as the voice echoed through her mind like a terrable memory. "I think it would be best to go to gondor, they may have spell scrolls in their vaults."

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:58 am

"Interesting choice...Gondor, true, may have the sources we need...but the King that has restored the kingdom may not be shall I say...reserved about allowing access to the libraries without knowing the cause of the investigation. It's possible we may have to deceive the King in order to achieve the information we require...he is not the most chivalrous or justly King that ever lived..."

He stared at Seren for a long moment, knowing that she was hiding something but decided not to press deeper, for fear that further shock may fracture her mind; instead, turning his attention to Amdir...

"What do you believe we should do Amdir? Gondor seems like a likely option at this point..."
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:39 am

(OOC: We should probably establish some kind of order of posting so we don't get off track of who should be posting when, especially since its hard for us all to be here at the same time.)
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Mordos Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:29 am

((Sorry I've been gone; HEX is my new addiction Razz Also, we won't lost track, since me and Rath won't be on here often-- no offense Aku))

Amdir sighed. "Gondor it is, then, I suppose..." he said, leading the others out the door. The night was clear, and stars twinkled in the sky above, guiding them, or so Amdir would have liked to think.


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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:33 am

After several hours of walking Seren removed her ring and examined it curiously, looking at it so intensly as if hoping it would give her the answer to the things she needed to know. Sighing she replaced it back on her finger and looked at where they were. "I think it will be dawn before we reach the docks for passage to the mainland..."

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:43 am

"Dawn could have its benefits...and its drawbacks...we will be openly exposed during the day. Two Elves and a sorcerer are not exactly normal characters one sees everyday...perhaps it is best that we spend the night on the outskirts of this town and take to the sea at next moonlight...I'll go ahead and make camp..."

And without another word, Ramerox set off to a different part of the woods, collecting lumber that kept their large tent secure and also for fire for their food, which he had found a wild boar near their encampment and slew it, roasting it above the hot fire...
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:02 pm

((OOC: --sigh-- Is this topic freakin dead?
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:32 am

((OOC: I just spoke with Mordos on Facebook. He's not really going to be working on LoTR anymore since he has other role-plays he's doing at this time, many of them very addictive, so he's giving the go ahead to post onward without him.

As of this post, Amdir's character should be nonexistent as well as the ring he held. This does not mean that his ring is up for grabs. If he does come back at some point, this gives him leeway to fit into the story again.))

Once the meat was finished cooking, Ramerox called for Seren, informing her that the food was ready and prepared her a dish with the succulent meat, as well as some berries he had foraged near the grove...
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:49 pm

Seren had been scouting the nearby area to make sure they were not being followed. When she heared her name being called she made her way back to camp, she could smell the food and her stomach gave a small grumble. She happily accepted her share but noticed they were a person short. "Where is our friend Amdir?" She asked before taking a small bite of meat.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:55 am

Ramerox lightly sighed, moving his makeshift fork from his mouth with the tender piece of meat on it, his eyes drooping lowly, "Amdir...I am not totally sure where he is going...he thought it best that we split up to keep the rings safe...I disagreed with him, telling him that he was making himself vulnerable to the forces at be, but he insisted on it. He then used some of his sorcery to transport himself, I presume, to Rivendale, but as to where he left to...I do not know..."

((OOC: I meant nonexistent as he was never in the story to begin with, but I suppose it can work this way as well. Fits better overall.))
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:08 pm

(ooc: Ah ok)

Seren nodded and continued to eat in silence, deep in thought about the events that had passed, along with some memories that came crawling back into her mind. The figure she saw in her vision was haunting her, nomatter what she tried to think about his shadow always seemed to be in it somewhere, like a fog clouding her mind thoroughly.
"I thinkI should take the first watch so we have a chance to rest." She spoke absently, not looking up.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:21 am

Ramerox softly smiled, most of his expression hidden by his dark hood, "A lady needs her rest...especially after what you've gone through today...I think it would be better if I took point in case you have a relapse of some kind..."

Though Ramerox knew she was capable of watching, and no real relapse could possibly happen, he was still insecure about her and he wanted to get to know her more before he decided to divulge information about himself...information that she might find if she decided to look upon his hidden features while he slept...
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:09 am

Seren didn't quite know how to take that comment but shrugged it off as courtosy. She pulled her cloak up and turned her back to the fire, laying on her side, tucking her arm under her head fr support as she rested. She could barely sleep for more then a few minutes at a time, swinging between afraid of what she'd see in her dreams and wondering why Ramerox wanted her to sleep first. Once some hours pased shje gave up on resting and sat up to relieve him of his watch.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:32 pm

Ramerox would have lightly chuckled, seeing her unable to sleep and her resiliency in the matter, which unnerved him slightly as to why she cared so much about being on watch, but left the woman to her designs, "I would hardly call that a relaxing respite...but if you are up to it then by all means..."

He would then depart from the camp site, resting himself against one of the trees just outside the range of light that the fires from the campsite lit upon him, keeping himself in shadow as he sat cross-legged and began a deep meditation...
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:38 pm

Seren nodded and watched him move away, curious as to why he'd leave the heat of the fire for the shadows. She shrugged it off and stood up, pacing around a little to keep herself sain while she watched out for any signs of movement.

Eventually walking became bothersome since nothing was happening so she sat back down agan, putting some more wood on the fire.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:48 am

As the hours slowly ticked away, Ramerox continually looked upon his ring, watching the gem glow iridescently from the light of the fire and soon from the light of dusk that was slowly falling on the world, marking the time of shadows and the time to move on...

Gradually he stood, groaning slightly from having sitting cross-legged for so long, "We should be able to move freely now...many shouldn't be out and about at this time of night...let's depart so we may find a vessel that can take us across the sea and get us further inland..."

Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:06 am

The blonde haired elf nodded and walked towards him and made her way to where she remembered the docks to be. They were not that far from it and the smell of the sea soon filled the air around them along with the sound of sea birds. "My old friend Kratos is the dock master..he should be able to lend us a small boat for our travels." She spoke, looking for a light in the small house among the docks.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:31 pm

Ramerox slightly nodded, looking to her eyes briefly, seeing them set and determined and he softly smiled, clasping his hands behind his back as they walked together towards the harbor, only one of the thatch huts nearest to them alight by kerosene lamps...

"You look as if you are walking to your own deathbed...why so serious? You make me worried that we're about to be attacked by something I cannot see...come, tell me what is bothering you..."
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:47 pm

Seren knocked on the door and looked back at him while she waited for an answer. "Just memories im afraid, not the most pleasant of ones at that." She left her answer there as a young man answered the door to them.
"Seren such a pleasure as always, who is your friend there?"
"We have little time for pleasantries Kratos, we need a vessle to take us to the mainland if you are willing to lend us one. Something small that wont be very noticable."
The man blinked in confusion and sighed, he beckoned them to follow him as he lead them down to one end of the docks, showing them a small sail boat. "This should be sufficiant and you need not use the ores if you wish to remain silent." He offered, waiing for approval from them.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:35 am

Ramerox lightly nodded, "It's perfect...this should blend in perfectly...thank you kind is your payment..."

Ramerox held out an empty hand before him and then closed it. A brief, gold light shone through the cracks of his gloved hands and when he opened his palm, twenty gold coins had appeared within his palm, nearly four times the going rate for a normal boat rent...

"We also need you to forget us...we were never here and you did not sell us a you understand? This is a matter of high importance and of the utmost secrecy..."

Last edited by Maeror Daemn on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ,minor grammar errors)
Maeror Daemn
Maeror Daemn

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Akumamika Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:07 am

Kratos refused the payment politely. "No no no I owe Seren a favour anyways, and whatever you are doing, I know nothing about it, no one will know a thing." He untied the boat and waited as seren stepped on without a word to either of them, taking up the rudder\nd waiting for Ramerox.

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Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se Empty Re: Lord of the rings, the three rings. (Private group)Se

Post  Maeror Daemn Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:52 pm

Ramerox would nod in thanks and would get onto the boat as well, pulling his tattered, black robes around him so they didn't get wet as he, uneasily, sat down near the front end of the small dingy, not fond of small boats but this was a necessary situation...

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