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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:51 am

everything seemed to be moving so fast for carlie one moment she was being adopted the next she is getting on a train that looked fancy with about 25 other pokemon and inside it looked like everything was made to suit pokemon, the chairs where the right sizes for the different pokemon there were pokemon stewards and stewardesses to help show the pokemon passengers to their seats and take orders for food and drink, the ride was smooth and comfortable, she had only just finish her meal when the train arrived at the destination, she filed out with the rest of the pokemon and they are all lead intoa big black room with a stand and a mic stand at the far end, a male human and a jynx walk up on the stage with the human taking the mic and beginng to speak

human: "now i know most of you must be feeling shocked or confused as to what is happening here, your not sure why your here or even where here, let me tell you not to worry your safe here, and where is here?" the wall behind the man opens up to reveal bight sunshine, trees, grass of what looks like a park and in the distance a city "welcome, to the club"

at this carlie was delighted, she only thought that it was just a rumour but its real and now she is here, a place where pokemon and humans live as equals, the human hand the mic to the jynx who speaks

jynx: "coming now are some pokemon who already live here and they will show you arround, and help to get you settled in, there is no need to be scared your with friends now"

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Join date : 2010-12-09
Age : 36

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:41 am

Damian had been given a mysterious invitation on his counter that evening; it was from his mother, but her and his father were in jail... Weren't they?
He had followed his directions and ended up here, in the middle of a city. Only it was deep underground. He was very confused.

He wandered around for a while and found that there were many couples of human and pokemon loving each other. This confused him further. He eventually sat down on a bench and closed his eyes, until a female lucario approached him.
"Can I help you? Oh, wait, I won't be able to understand you..."
He sighed; being away from pokemon for as long as he had had made him forget what they were capable of.

Meanwhile, a male houndoom approached Carie.
"Hi there. My name is Derek. Do you mind if I show you around?"


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:14 am

the lucario seems to smile at you and give you a small device then points to your ear making it known that she wants you to wear it in your ear.


carlie smiles nervously at the houndoom "um hi i'm carlie, its nice to meet you Derek, so where do we go first?"

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Age : 36

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:23 am

Damian did as he was instructed, putting the small thing in his ear.
"What is this place?"

Derek smiled.
"Well, whatever you'd like to see. We have appartments to stay in and restaurants if you're hungry... Or we can inteoduce you to some humans straight away. Just depends on how you feel."
He sidled up to her and rubbed her, smiling; he could smell that she was about to go into heat.


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:30 am

"its a pokemon translator, so now you can understand me, my name is Ferlisity by the way, i'm here to show you around the club and answer any questions you have"


carlie moves away from you a little not really liking to be rubbed like that by derek

"i'd like to see the apartments please"

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Age : 36

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:34 am

What an unusual name...
He thought as he got to his feet.
"No, this place. Where am I?"

Derek nodded, her scent begining to take hold of him.
He quickly led her to the apartments, showing her to her room.
"This is... where you stay... is there anything else I can... do you... DO FOR YOU?" He corrected, his professionalism begining to slip as her scent thickened.


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:40 am

i quickly pick up on what he is thinking and glare at him "no thank you i'll be fine now, you can go"

my look makes it clear i'm not interested in you


"oh i see, this is the club silly didn't you know that?"

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:45 am

Derek's cock was hard and out under him.
"Mate with me..." He drooled, approaching her and attempting to mount her.

Damian's jaw dropped.
"But... The Club is just a myth! It doesn't really exist... Does it?"


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:52 am

carlie was prepared and hit him square on with a fire blast that knock derek out of the room before i use my tails to slam the door shutting him out, this alerts security who come and take darek away to calm him down and treat his injuries


"of course it exists that's where we are, so what would you like to do first?"

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Age : 36

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:55 am

"I... This is a lot to take in... Can I go somewhere I can lie down?"
He put his head in his hands.

(Co-incidentally, they're both booked in the same room?)


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:03 am

"sure i'll show you the way"

ferlisity shows you the way to the apparment block and leaves you at your room

"here you are this is your place, there is a guide book in there that tells you all you need to know, take care now"

with that she leaves you alone

(somthing like that, more like 2 apparments the that are connected together both have their own bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room but are connected by a hallway with no lock doors anywhere inside the two apartments, each also has its own front door that can be locked)

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Age : 36

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:22 am

"But, I-" It was too late; she'd already gone. He sighed and stood up, looking through all the rooms, as his silly habit told him to do.
He got to a door that lead to a hallway with another door. He followed it and opened the door, and was surprised to find that the door led to another apartment.
"Hello?" He called.


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:26 am

carlie was lieing on her bed when she heard the sound of a human calling, surprised she goes to investigate coming face to face with him and cocks her head at you curiously

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:28 am

"Uh... Hello." Damian said with a blush.
"I am Damian... Who are you?"


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:31 am

i go to speak before i realise you won't understand me so i start thinking to try to figure out how to communicate with you

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Age : 36

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:41 am

"Oh, right... I can hear you. This nice Lucario girl gave me a translator, see?"
He turned and showed her the minute earpiece.


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:43 am

"oh i see um well my name is carlie"

i still look a bit surprised to see you

"um what are you doing in my apartment?"

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:49 am

"Ha, well I could ask you the same thing."
He smiled.
"I was in my apartment, exploring as you do, when I came across a door. So I opened it and it was a hallway. Then I opened the door at the end of the hallway and I came out here."
He chuckled.
"I guess that makes us neighbours of sorts... I'll go away now if you'd like."
He just realized he was probably intruding on her privacy.


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:51 am

"hmmm no you can stay as long as you behave yourself, hmm actually why don't we get something to eat?"

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:54 am

"Was I not behaving before?" He queried, thinking his intrusion must have been considered rude.
"Actually, food would be great... I'm new here, though. Do you know anywhere good?"


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:57 am

"i new here too but i think i saw a place on the way here, come on i'll show you"

i lead the way to a nice little cafe next to the apartment building, a pokemon waitress comes to serve us and i order a lamb sandwhich and a glass of berry juice

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:10 pm

Damian orders the same.
"Um... No offence, but how are you going to eat a sandwich? You don't have opposable thumbs..."


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:15 pm

"easy i'll show you"

the food and drink came and i begin to eat the bite size pecies of food the sandwhich is cut into for me, also drinking my juice though a straw in the glass and doing all this without making a mess

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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:21 pm

Damian was impressed.
"Wow. They cater well here."
He picked up his sandwich and bit into it.
"Mmm," He smiled as he swallowed, then started to blush.
"I just wanted to say... I like your tails... They're pretty..."
He looked away, embarrassed.


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"the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first Empty Re: "the club" human/pokemon RP open to all see invite thread first

Post  astilaborshadow Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:23 pm

i do my best to smile back at you

"thank you damian, your sweet"

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